How do I display the parent, child and answers content on the Service Center?

The service center widget will bring together all previous steps with a visual representation of the icon, parent and child category titles, question, and answer. 

  1. Go to the dashboard
  2. Click on ‘Pages’ on the left navigation bar or the “Pages’ icon
  3. Navigate to an existing page
  4. Click ‘Edit page’
  5. Enable page builder by clicking on the ‘Pagebuilder’ tab, if there is no option to click on the tab, the page builder layout is enabled. 
    • Note: In order to use the service center widget, the page builder must be enabled
  6. Click on the ‘Add widget’ icon tab 
  7. Add page title by selecting the ‘Page title’ widget
    • Note: You can scroll through the widgets or type in the widget name on the search bar.
  8. Click on the ‘Add widget’ icon tab 
  9. Add the ‘Service Center’ widget
    • service center widget
  10. Hover over the ‘Service Center’ Widget
  11. Click ‘Edit’
  12. Select the tabs to display
  13. Checkmark the parent category you would like to be displayed.
    • service center options
  14. Click ‘Done’
  15. Click ‘Update’
  16. Click ‘View Page’ on the top admin bar or the permalink to view the page. Note: To go back into the admin functionality click on ‘Edit Page’ on the top admin bar.
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