How to activate and manage the alert bar

Posted on March 18, 2020

ProudCity Alert Bar

Steps for enabling your website alert bar.

Step 1. Go to your ProudCity Dashboard.

Step 2. Select ‘Settings,’ then ‘Alert bar.’

Alert bar settings

Step 3. Enable alert bar, write your message, select your bar color setting, then save.

Alert bar settings

Step 4. View alert bar on your website.


  • Keep your message content direct and concise (1 sentence and link to more information).
  • Refrain from using all-caps or all bold.
  • Refrain from graphics or extraneous visuals (especially ones that may add to the anxiety).
  • Use paragraph sized font for your text to stay within ADA compliance.
  • Consider different alert bar color options if you are concerned about grabbing people’s attention.
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