Icons on ProudCity

Posted on May 10, 2022

ProudCity icon tool


Using iconography is an easy way to add visual context to text. Icons also load faster on a web page than images and, when done correctly, are uniformly accessible.

Icons and ProudCity

Through the ProudCity Pagebuilder, governments can easily add more than 2,000 icons to web pages. The icons are powered by Font Awesome, one of the largest collections of open icons in the world.

Icon widgets

Icons can be added through the ProudCity Pagebuilder ‘Icon link’ and ‘Icon set’ widgets.

To add an icon:

  1. Use the ‘Search icons’ box to find your icon.
  2. Select the icon.
  3. Save the icon widget.
  4. Save the page.

ProudCity icon tool

Department icons

Icons are also part of the ‘Departments’ display. You can assign each department an icon in the department admin page, and these will show when using the ‘Department list’ widget ‘Icons view’.

Department icon admin:

Department icon admin

Departments list admin:

Department icon admin

Departments list display:

Departments list display

Icons upgrade

ProudCity offers a premium upgrade to Font Awesome Pro. Submit a support ticket if you are interested in this upgrade.

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