Team agreements for effective digital government delivery

Posted on August 22, 2019

Team agreement

Team agreements help set a foundation of trust and effectiveness for how project members work together to achieve a common goal. Team agreements are common in agile work environments where communicated expectations help ensure projects stay focused on delivering digital services on time and on budget.

As the U.S. General Services Administration says of team agreements:

The purpose of the working agreement is to ensure the Agile Team shares responsibility in defining expectations for how they will function together and enhance their self-organization process. It creates an awareness of both positive (and negative) behaviors that can impact the Team and empowers the Scrum Master [AKA project manager] to keep them accountable.

ProudCity team agreement

This is the ProudCity team agreement for all collaborations, internally and with our government partners:

  • Support and help empower the product owner
  • Be on time, respect others’ time
  • Show up prepared and present
  • Take ownership and responsibility
  • Carry the momentum
  • Trust one another
  • Document updates in real time
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  • Assess and communicate expectations
  • Speak the truth tell the truth
  • Share your blockers
  • Keep your calendar up to date
  • It’s OK to say ‘no’
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