Team pledges for effective digital government delivery

Posted on August 26, 2019

Team pledges

Team pledges are a fun way to “swear in” the team and bring everyone together in a semi-formal way to vocally unify commitment to the team agreement. ProudCity uses a team pledge at the beginning of every new project.

Example pledge

As a member of [TEAM NAME], I solemnly swear to uphold the [TEAM NAME] team agreement. These include:

  • Support and help empower the product owner
  • Be on time, respect others’ time
  • Show up prepared and present
  • Take ownership and responsibility
  • Carry the momentum
  • Trust one another
  • Document updates in real time
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  • Assess and communicate expectations
  • Speak the truth tell the truth
  • Share your blockers
  • Keep your calendar up to date
  • It’s OK to say ‘no’
  • Acknowledge the fails
  • Celebrate the wins

I will honor and uphold this agreement with my fellow team members and the people of [ORGANIZATION]. [ORGANIZATION] Proud.

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