FAQ Topic: DotGov

Who hosts the .gov domain name?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is an internet service that translates your domain name (i.e. yourname.gov) into an IP address. This makes it possible for people to access your website by typing in the domain name instead of the website’s IP address. This is often done through your domain registrar, like GoDaddy or NameCheap. Since … Continued

What are prohibitive activities of a .gov domain?

Commercial purposes A .gov domain must not be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising benefitting private individuals or entities. Political campaigns A .gov domain must not be used for political campaign purposes. Illegal content A .gov domain must not be used to distribute or promote material whose distribution violates applicable law. Malicious cyber activity … Continued

Who is eligible to receive a .gov domain?

Only U.S.-based government and public sector organizations are eligible to obtain a .gov domain. This includes any federal, state, local, or territorial government entity, or other publicly controlled entity. Also includes any tribal government recognized by the federal government or a state government. Eligibility is determined by the DotGov Program, which will be informed by … Continued

How much is a .gov domain?

Registering a .gov domain with the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency is free to all U.S. based government entities. There is a one-time service fee for ProudCity DotGov set-up and configuration.

Who manages the .gov program?

The .gov program is managed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

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