Adding equations to web forms

Posted on May 16, 2024

Screenshot of a web form with a red border box around an equation form field.

An equation (example) is a form field that asks users to solve a simple math question.

Why use equations

  • Bots and bad actors use forms to disrupt internal systems (email, CRMs).
  • Equations help stop them from sending multiple form submissions.
  • They are helpful when CAPTCHAs aren’t enough.

ProudCity and equations

ProudCity Forms supports equations.


  • Vary equations for each form.
  • Add a CAPTCHA to your form.

How to add an equation to a form

  1. Edit form.
  2. Add number field.
  3. Insert a single digit math equation into the field label.
  4. Make it required.
  5. At the bottom click on settings for the submit button.
  6. Bottom of right side, enable conditional logic (for submit button).
  7. Set to show this form button if all match the answer to the equation.
  8. Drag number field above the CAPTCHA (if you have one).
  9. Save form.
  10. View and test form.

Accessibility note

  • There can be accessibility issues because of the math that’s required.


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