Write and format your answers
We have created a content style guide to help enforce consistency and uniformity in how information is presented throughout your ProudCity site.
- Once you have collected the answers, we recommend tailoring the language with the tips provided in the content style guide.
- As you finalize the questions and answers from the departments, we recommend you start placing them under their designated child category. If you see that your question does not belong to a specific child or parent category, create a new one. This will allow you to continue building the structure without having floating questions and answers.
- Presented is an example of how we use the structure to create and format the answers and questions content. In the worksheet, you are provided with multiple parent and child categories to help you get started.
Culture & recreation ——————–> Parent category
Park permits and reservations ————————-> Child category
- Is there a public swimming pool? ——————-> Question
- Detailed answer ——————————–> Answer
- Who do I call to reserve a park facility? ———–> Question
- Detailed answer ——————————-> Answer
Parks and recreation ————————————–> Child category
- How do I enroll my child in little league? ———-> Question
- Detailed answer——————————–> Answer
Events ———————————————————> Child category
- Where can I find a list of upcoming concerts and cultural events? ————> Question
- Detailed answer——————————-> Answer
- As we can see from this structure, there is only one parent with multiple children, where each child category has at least one question and answer.
- Provided is a visual representation of how the parent, child, question, and answer will look when you follow the structure designed.
Parent categories |
Child categories |
Question |
Answer |