
ProudCity Answers information and support.



A frequently asked question, has a searchable common question, clear answer, and FAQ topic label.

  1. Go to the dashboard
  2. Click on the ‘Answers’ icon or the ‘Answers’ label on the left navigation bar
  3. Click on ‘Add New Answers’
  4. Enter the question in the title area
  5. Select the FAQ topic, on the right side, in the ‘FAQ topics’ section
    • The answer post can belong to many topics, click all that apply
  6. Add answer using the content using the visual editor
    • Be detailed with your answers, if there are follow up action items, hyperlink to those pages or forms to keep answers content concise and direct.
    • The visual editor is your standard WYSIWYG editor and the simplest editor for just adding content to a page.
    • A quick detailed guide on how to structure content
  7. Click ‘Publish’ answer content fill out steps

The answers list widget will display a list of questions and answers based on the selected FAQ topic on an existing page.

  1. Navigate to an existing page or create a page
  2. Click ‘Edit page’
  3. Enable page builder by clicking on the ‘Pagebuilder’ tab, if there is no option to click on the tab, the page builder layout is enabled.
    • Note: In order to use the answers list widget, the page builder has to be enabled
  4. Click on the ‘Add widget’ icon tab
  5. Add page title by selecting the ‘Page title’ widget
    • Note: You can scroll through the widgets or type in the widget name on the search bar.
  6. Click on the ‘Add widget’ icon tab
  7. Add the ‘Answers list’ widget
    • answers list widget
  8. Hover over the ‘Answers list’  widget and click edit
    • Add widget title
    • Pick the FAQ topic to display
    • Select display style
    • Insert a number of answers to show in the ‘Number of post to show’ field
      • Enter 0 for ‘Number of posts to show’ in order for all answers that are attributed to the selected FAQ topic to display.
      • Select ‘Sort By’ option
      • Click done
    • answers list steps 1 through 2
    • answer list steps 3 through 6
  9. Click ‘Update’
  10.  Click ‘View Page’ on the top admin bar or  the permalink to view page
    •  Note: To go back into the page admin functionality click on ‘Edit Page’ on the top admin bar.
  11. Finished, your frequently asked questions and answers content will now be listed on the page!

Edit existing parent and child categories

The edits made to the parent and child categories will also update on the ‘Service Center’ app.

  1. Remain in the ‘FAQ Topics’ functionality or navigate to the ‘FAQ Topics’ functionality
  2. Make word choice update
    • Hover over the ‘Parent’ category or ‘Child’ category on the right-hand side where the list of all categories are displayed.
    • Select edit
    • Change the name and slug
    • Click update
  3. Deleting the child category
    • Hover over the child category and a delete option will appear.
    • Select ‘Delete’
    • To confirm the deletion of the child category, click  ‘Ok’ to the notification that will appear.
  4. Deleting the parent category
    • Deleting the parent category will not delete its child categories and will have to be manually done. 
    • Hover over the parent category and a delete option will appear.
    • Select delete
    • To confirm the deletion of the parent  category, click ‘Ok’ to the notification that will appear, 
    • Go to step 3, and delete the child categories that are now floating under no parent category.

Edit existing question and answer

Edits made to questions and answers will also update on the ‘Service Center’ app.

  1. Go to the dashboard
  2. Click on ‘Answers’ on the left navigation bar
  3. On the top right side, there is an empty field to search for your question
    • Type in a keyword to narrow down the list of questions to choose from
    • Click ‘Search Answers’ 
    • search answers content
  4. Hover over the answer and click ‘Edit’
  5. Update question title
    • Type in the new question title and make sure to edit the permalink to match the updated question. 
  6. Edit answer
    • Type in the updated answer in the visual editor
  7. Select the ‘FAQ topics’ change or leave as is
  8. Click ‘Update’
  1. The answers content is divided into 3 columns with the rows populating depending on the total number of parent categories. The titles are organized from left to right.
    • On the ‘FAQ Topics functionality’ on the right side, the list of categories is presented.
    • Skip the categories that have ‘faq’ as part of their title
    • The arrangement is formed in the order the parent titles are listed. For example, the first title will occupy position 1, the parent title that follows the first will occupy position 2, and so on.
    • Position 1 Position 2 Position 3
      Position 4 Position 5 Position 6
    • If the parent category has children categories, make sure they remain under the same parent category when you are switching the order. 
    • Back end view
      parent category
    • Front end view
      front end view of parent categories

By creating FAQ topics we are able to distribute where the answers will display throughout the site. If you have already created a FAQ topic please skip to the “Create a question and answer content” or “Display frequently asked questions on a web page” section.

  1. Go to dashboard
  2. Click on ‘Answers’  on the left navigation bar
  3. Click on  ‘FAQ Topics’ on the left navigation bar
  4. Add new FAQ Topics
    • Write a name for the FAQ topics
      • To distinguish the label as a FAQ, add ‘FAQs’ at the end of the name. For example,  Finance FAQs
    • Leave the ‘Parent Category’ dropdown with the default text of ‘None’.
    • Click ‘Click ‘Add New FAQ Topics’
    • faq topic option
  1. Create child category
    • Remain in the ‘FAQ Topics’ functionality or navigate to the ‘FAQ Topics’ functionality
    • If you have filled out the ‘Answers’ worksheet, the child categories are the subheadings to the parent category
    • Write the child title in the ‘Name’ section
    • Click on the ‘Parent FAQ Topic’ dropdown menu 
      • Select the parent category the current child category falls under
      • Leave the ‘Description’ section empty, this section is to be used only when creating parent categories
      • Click ‘Add New FAQ Topics’
    • Notice, the child category created will display with a hyphen in front of its title and be listed below the parent title.
    • Repeat this step to add all child categories that fall under the parent category. 
    • child category selection
  2. Organize the child categories in the same order you want them to display in the ‘Get Answers’ section by dragging the title in the list view and dropping it in the desired placement.
    • Make sure they remain under the same parent category when you are switching the order.
    • Back end view
      parent category
    • Front end view
      front end view of parent categories
  1. Go to the dashboard
  2. Click on ‘Answers’  on the left navigation bar
  3. Click on  ‘FAQ Topics’ on the left navigation bar
  4. Create a parent category 
    • If you have filled out the ‘Answers’ worksheet, all the H3 headings will be ‘Parent categories’ 
    • Write the parent title  in the ‘Name’ section
    • Set up the icon for your parent category
      • Look for icons in the fontawesome website, usually, the icons that are bold are free.
      • Select icon
      • Copy the code that is provided
        • <i class=”fas fa-ad”></i>
      • Paste it in the ‘Description’ section
      • Leave only what is inside the quotes, for this example, only fas fa-ad would be left as the final description. 
    • Click  ‘Add New FAQ Topics’
    • Repeat this step to add all parent categories
    • faw parent category
  5. Once all are inserted, arrange them in the order they should display in the ‘Get Answers’ tab of the Service center. This step should be done before creating child categories.
    • The answers content is divided into 3 columns with the rows populating depending on the total number of parent categories. The titles are organized from left to right.
    • On the ‘FAQ Topics functionality’ on the right side, the list of categories is presented.
    • Skip the categories that have ‘faq’ as part of their title
    • The arrangement is formed in the order the parent titles are listed. For example, the first title will occupy position 1, the parent title that follows the first will occupy position 2, and so on.
    • Position 1 Position 2 Position 3
      Position 4 Position 5 Position 6

The service center widget will bring together all previous steps with a visual representation of the icon, parent and child category titles, question, and answer. 

  1. Go to the dashboard
  2. Click on ‘Pages’ on the left navigation bar or the “Pages’ icon
  3. Navigate to an existing page
  4. Click ‘Edit page’
  5. Enable page builder by clicking on the ‘Pagebuilder’ tab, if there is no option to click on the tab, the page builder layout is enabled. 
    • Note: In order to use the service center widget, the page builder must be enabled
  6. Click on the ‘Add widget’ icon tab 
  7. Add page title by selecting the ‘Page title’ widget
    • Note: You can scroll through the widgets or type in the widget name on the search bar.
  8. Click on the ‘Add widget’ icon tab 
  9. Add the ‘Service Center’ widget
    • service center widget
  10. Hover over the ‘Service Center’ Widget
  11. Click ‘Edit’
  12. Select the tabs to display
  13. Checkmark the parent category you would like to be displayed.
    • service center options
  14. Click ‘Done’
  15. Click ‘Update’
  16. Click ‘View Page’ on the top admin bar or the permalink to view the page. Note: To go back into the admin functionality click on ‘Edit Page’ on the top admin bar.

Write and format your answers

We have created a content style guide to help enforce consistency and uniformity in how information is presented throughout your ProudCity site.

  1. Once you have collected the answers, we recommend tailoring the language with the tips provided in the content style guide.
  2. As you finalize the questions and answers from the departments, we recommend you start placing them under their designated child category. If you see that your question does not belong to a specific child or parent category, create a new one. This will allow you to continue building the structure without having floating questions and answers.
  3. Presented is an example of how we use the structure to create and format the answers and questions content.  In the worksheet, you are provided with multiple parent and child categories to help you get started.

Culture & recreation ——————–> Parent category

Park permits and reservations      ————————-> Child category

      • Is there a public swimming pool? ——————-> Question
        • Detailed answer ——————————–> Answer
      • Who do I call to reserve a park facility? ———–> Question
        • Detailed answer ——————————-> Answer

Parks and recreation  ————————————–> Child category

      • How do I enroll my child in little league? ———-> Question
        • Detailed answer——————————–> Answer

Events ———————————————————> Child category

      • Where can I find a list of upcoming concerts and cultural events? ————> Question
        • Detailed answer——————————-> Answer
  • As we can see from this structure, there is only one parent with multiple children, where each child category has at least one question and answer.  
  • Provided is a visual representation of how the parent, child, question, and answer will look when you follow the structure designed.
Parent categories
parent categories screen shot
Child categories
child categories screenshot
Question screenshot
Answers screenshot

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