Category: Notifications

How to setup the MailChimp integration with your ProudCity website

MailChimp easily integrates with ProudCity because we think it provides a great, cost effective solution for municipal newsletters. Here’s how to get setup. You will need to: Create account Prep your list Import list Connect to ProudCity Steps Step 1: Create MailChimp account Go to Click “Sign Up Free” (top right) to create free … Continued

How to add MailChimp newsletter archives to your ProudCity website

Overview You can add MailChimp newsletter archives to your website using the ProudCity ‘Code or iFrame embed’ widget. This will let you display past issues of a newsletter you send via MailChimp on your website, and it will automatically update when you send a new issue. Example ProudCity newsletter archives. Steps Follow these instructions from … Continued

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