Customizing colors on your ProudCity-powered government website is easy.
- Be sure to account for accessibility (Color, web accessibility and government websites).
- For your secondary color, use a gradient of your primary color (see ‘Tools’ section below).
- If you cannot find a good alternative secondary color, default to black (#000000).
Customize your colors
Select ‘Customize’ in the left navigation of the ProudCity Dashboard.
- Select the ‘Colors’ option in the customization tool.
- Select color preferences for the following:
- Top bar
- Link
- Primary
- Secondary
- Footer actions bar
- Footer background
- Background
- Select the ‘Publish’ button to save settings.
- Test for accessibility (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool)

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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