Use the document list widget to display documents as a list on a web page. The document list widget allows to list documents by document type.
- Navigate to an existing page or create a new page
- Note: You should know you are on a page when the admin bar on top states ‘Edit page’
- Click ‘Edit page’
- Enable page builder by clicking on the ‘Pagebuilder’ tab , if there is no option to click on the tab, the pagebuilder layout is enabled.
- Note: In order to use the document list widget, pagebuilder has to be enabled
- Click on the ‘Add widget’ icon tab
- Add page title by selecting the ‘Page title’ widget
- Note: You can scroll through the widgets or type in the widget name on the search bar.
- Click on the ‘Add widget’ icon tab
- Add the ‘Documents list’ widget
- Hover over the document list widget and click edit
- Add widget title
- This can be ‘Documents’ if it is a department document page, since the page title widget will display the title as [Department] documents. For example, The Administration department will have the page title ‘Administration documents’ therefore naming the list ‘Administration documents’ is redundant.
- Pick the category(ies) to display
- If the parent category is selected, it will also display all its corresponding sub categories
- Select display style
- Documents are commonly displayed in the ‘List View’ style but you can always go back and change the style that best matches your ProudCity site.
- Insert a number of post to show in the ‘Number of post to show’ field
- Enter 0 for all documents to show under the selected category type or select specific amount to list.
- Pick ‘Sort By’
- Select sort order, either ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’
- Click done
- Add widget title
- Click ‘Update’
- Click ‘View Page’ on the top admin bar or the permalink to view page
- Note: To go back into the page admin functionality click on ‘Edit Page’ on the top admin bar.
- Finished, your documents will now be listed on the page!
- How to create documents and document types
- How to add documents to a page
- Documents help
- ProudCity Documents

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