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Guide to government website images.

Images will generally be automatically re-sized (like when using the Page Header widget), but you can also select specific sizes when inserting an image into a post.

The most common image file types are: .jpg, .png, .gif.

There are a number of factors to account for when using images in hero unit sections of your website. Push10 has an excellent primer, and here is a helpful excerpt: By default, the ideal website hero image size for full-screen background images is 1,200 pixels wide. However, if users are browsing on larger screens, these...

Not especially.  The standard file types listed above all have some level of “compression” and will be fine for web-based publishing.  There are certain, more rare, image formats like .tiff and .raw that are “un-compressed,” will likely be too large for easy viewing on the web, and should be avoided.

Featured images are pre-formatted into some of our content types and templates such as news posts and departments. Oftentimes the feature post is highlighted in the header of content and previewed as a thumbnail on another page or list. The add media option provides the admin with more flexibility to post media throughout their content....

Upload Whether you’re using the featured image or the add media feature you upload your files to ProudCity just like you would attach a file to an email.   Once you have selected and uploaded a file, make sure to fill in the file details: title, caption, alt text and description. This will help with...

There are some instances where a “portrait” (taller than wide) or “landscape” (wider than tall)  style image may look awkward or not fit nicely into your content.  If you are starting from a very large image, it could be possible to crop (see below) the image to the appropriate aspect ratio.  Often it is just...

Hover over the ‘Hero unit (page header)’ widget and click edit. Header is recommended  if you have a good landscape orientation image for the department  Select the ‘Header’ radio button Leave the ‘Text’ field as <h1><h1/> For container background, select the ‘Image’ radio button  For image, select the ‘Yes’ radio button Select an option for...

Alternative text describes image content and purpose to users who cannot see it.

No minimum file size but some displays of images will not look great if you’ve started with a smaller image.  For instance, the “Page Header” widget in “Header” or “Full Header” mode really needs an image at least 1100px wide to not become visually distorted.

You can add a news post by following the below steps: Go to the dashboard Click on the ‘News’ icon or the ‘News’ label on the left navigation bar Click ‘Add new’ Add news  title Select category, on the right side, in the ‘Categories’ section The news post can belong to many categories, click all...

Go to the dashboard Click on the ‘Events’ on the left navigation bar Click on ‘Recurring Events’ Click ‘Add Recurring Event’ Select category, on the right side, in the ‘Event Categories’ section The event post can belong to many categories, click all that apply Add content using the visual editor The visual editor is your...

GovTech 100ProudCity


Apps Auth0 Single sign-on Stripe Payments Google Analytics Web analytics Google Translate Translation Google Maps Maps Constant Contact Newsletters MailChimp Newsletters YouTube Video SoundCloud Audio Services Department of Civic Things Digital strategy

General site customize tools include: Site identity Site title (shows in browser bar after page title) Site tagline (used with shortcode) Site logo (shows in the header and footer and should have a transparent background) Site icon (shows in browser tabs, bookmark bars and within WordPress mobile apps) Default social image (shows when content is...

Solutions Proudly serving local government What they say "The ProudCity platform is best in class. We moved over because we wanted a dynamic, flexible platform that we could customize to the needs of our community. The onboarding process was a breeze, and the backend is incredibly easy to use. No more tickets to unresponsive call...



Specifications Hosting Google Cloud Kubernetes Docker Infrastructure Linux Apache PHP MySQL Encryption Let’s Encrypt Authentication Auth0 Search Elasticsearch Front-end Bootstrap Font Awesome Content management WordPress

By creating a new contact that has staff member name, position, label, and form of communication either email or/and phone. We use labels to distribute where the contacts display throughout the site. Got to the dashboard Click on the ‘Contacts’ icon or the ‘Contacts’ label on the left navigation bar  Click on ‘Add New’ Add...

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