FAQ Topic: News

How do I display news on a web page?

Displays news post on a web page The news list widget will display a list of news posts based on the selected categories on an existing page. Navigate to an existing page Note: You should know you are on a page when the admin bar on top states ‘Edit page’ Click ‘Edit page’ Enable page … Continued

How do I create a news category?

Create news category By creating news categories we are able to display a listing of specific news posts on a web page. Go to the dashboard Click on the ‘News’ label on the left navigation bar Click on ‘Categories’ on the left navigation bar, Add new Category Write a name for the news category Leave … Continued

How do I add a news post list to a page?

You can add a news post list to most pages on ProudCity following these steps: Edit page Enable Pagebuilder Add widget Select news post list widget Edit news post list widget Check desired category Set desired number of posts to list Set order Select done View page

How do I add a news post?

You can add a news post by following the below steps: Go to the dashboard Click on the ‘News’ icon or the ‘News’ label on the left navigation bar Click ‘Add new’ Add news  title Select category, on the right side, in the ‘Categories’ section The news post can belong to many categories, click all … Continued

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