End of year local government website clean-up checklist

Posted on December 14, 2023

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The end of the year is the perfect time to review your website and tidy things up. Extraneous user accounts can pose security risks, and outdated information that is no longer relevant makes it harder for people to find what they are looking for.

Start cleaning

Here’s a checklist to help you quickly take care of this:

  1. Review and update accounts
  2. Delete and trash unused drafts or old:
    1. Pages
    2. News posts
    3. Events
    4. Documents
    5. Answers
  3. Set up meetings for a new calendar year (be sure to add holiday/office closures)
  4. Review and update your contacts
  5. Fix broken links
  6. Review and update site identity

Get training

Start the new year off right by brushing up on ProudCity and digital government best practices. ProudCity Academy offers training and tutoring that helps you learn more about how to best use our tools and build a more robust digital government strategy. We also provide a ProudCity Review that includes a recurring website assessment, consultation and actionables.

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