

Yes, ProudCity Forms are WCAG 2.1 AA compliant.

Color is an important aspect of government digital service accessibility. Learn more.

It is becoming more critical that governments understand and execute on website accessibility standards. Web accessibility, particularly for non-technical government leaders, can be overwhelming, both with the amount of information available, as well as the many technology nuances related achieving conformance. Learn more »

Because government serves a wide constituency, structured content in web pages is critically important in addressing the needs of all website visitors. It is particularly important for presenting truly accessible web content.

While ProudCity addresses many content structure issues “behind the scenes,” whether you’re using the our visual or text editors, it’s important to understand the basics and best practices of structured content as you design your web pages.

Learn more.

When choosing fonts and typography for your government website, it’s important to account for accessibility. Learn more.

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