Author: ProudCity

Government website launch phases

ProudCity Onboarding provides governments with a, structured process in getting websites launched onto the ProudCity digital government platform. We follow a three-phase approach — alpha, beta, live — to ensure this process is as efficient as possible. In general, digital projects have four phases they go through when launching. These include: Discovery Alpha Beta Live … Continued

Tips for effective digital response and recovery efforts

ProudCity has supported digital response and recovery efforts for two major California wildfire disasters (Santa Rosa/Sonoma County and Paradise/Butte County), as well as the now-ready Marin Recovers for Marin County (Calif.). While we’re not emergency operations experts, through these experiences, combined with our expertise in digital government product design and development, we’ve learned a great … Continued

Recovers website governance template

This recovers website governance template was adapted with permission from the original policy developed by the Marin Recovers. It was used to help socialize and get buy-in throughout Marin County (Calif.) on governance and protocol ahead of a disaster so that a plan could be acted on if needed. The Marin Recovers team has graciously … Continued

ProudCity Payments

ProudCity Payments makes it easy to set up, launch and manage every aspect of government web and mobile payments. Uses Permits Tickets/fines Event registrations Taxes and more Features Mobile-friendly: Adaptive to phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, kiosks. Dashboard: Views into payments, payouts, transaction history. Recurring transactions: Create recurring payments transactions. Forms: Unlimited, easy-to-build online payment forms. … Continued

Post/page checklist

There are several key components of a government website post or page that should be addressed when publishing either. These include: Title Body Categories Featured image Meta description Keywords Slug Title The title of the post/page is the heading (h1) of your web page. This is the blog post/page title. ProudCity automatically formats the title … Continued

ProudCity login

Note This is for users that already have a MyProudCity account. If you do not have a MyProudCity account, you must request one from an Admin at your organization to add you as a new user. Login Login to the ProudCity Platform: Options There are two options for logging into the ProudCity Platform. ProudCity … Continued

Information architecture

Information architecture is the critical first step to ensuring your digital government content is findable and usable by those seeking the desired information. According to “Information architecture (IA) focuses on organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective and sustainable way. The goal is to help users find information and complete tasks. To do … Continued

HTTPS and government websites

Protecting user privacy is an important aspect and duty of any public service organization, and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a fundamental component of online digital government security. HTTPS HTTPS is web security protocol or security certificate that validates and ensures privacy protections are adhered to. As the U.S. federal government states, HTTPS guarantees: … Continued

Post/page duplication

All posts and pages created using the ProudCity Content Management System have features that allow for duplication, saving time on re-creating frequently-published content types with similar information and formatting. To duplicate a post or page: Find this feature in the ‘Publish’ block on the right sidebar of the create/edit content page Select the ‘Copy to … Continued

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