Category: Content

Embedded content

An overview of embedded content, trouble-shooting, and how ProudCity supports this.

Why and how to compress PDFs

Portable document format (PDF) files are commonly used by governments to upload meeting agendas, minutes and other official public documents. Reducing PDF sizes makes it easier for the public to access these types of files.

HTML tables

An HTML table is a structured set of tabular data (rows and columns) displayed on a web page. Similar to spreadsheets, tables allow you to display values that indicate a connection between different types of data. Sample HTML table: It’s important to note that tables should be used sparingly and for tabular data only. We … Continued

Plain language and government websites

From Plain language (also called Plain English) is communication your audience can understand the first time they read or hear it. Language that is plain to one set of readers may not be plain to others. Written material is in plain language if your audience can: Find what they need; Understand what they find; … Continued

How to manage content publish status on your ProudCity website

Overview Website Admins and Editors can manage content publish status on a number of content types, including pages, posts, meetings and more. Steps There are two ways to edit the publish status of content: content view and quick edit. Content view When creating new or editing existing content, open the ‘Publish’ admin box on the … Continued

How to use pre-built layouts to quickly build a page

Overview ProudCity has a number of pre-built page layouts that can easily be inserted into a new or existing web page. The page widgets in each layout can then be customized to suit your specific design and content needs. Video    Example layouts Homepage Landing page Connect page Directory page Contact page Events page … Continued

How to add Facebook and Twitter widgets

Facebook and Twitter feeds can easily be added to ProudCity-powered government websites. You can see here how we’re using these widgets at There are two ways to add these to your website: Set up a ‘Connect’ page using our prebuilt layout template Manually inserting onto page using the Facebook/Twitter widgets Here’s how to … Continued

How to set up a ‘Connect’ page

A ‘Connect’ page ( is a great opportunity to centralize official ways your community can stay informed with official government information, such as newsletter subscriptions, notifications and social media accounts. Here’s how to set up your ‘Connect’ page on your ProudCity-powered government website using our prebuilt layout. NOTE: If you want to override your existing … Continued

How to activate and manage the alert bar

Steps for enabling your website alert bar. Step 1. Go to your ProudCity Dashboard. Step 2. Select ‘Settings,’ then ‘Alert bar.’ Step 3. Enable alert bar, write your message, select your bar color setting, then save. Step 4. View alert bar on your website. Tips Keep your message content direct and concise (1 sentence and … Continued

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