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Sprint 1 of ProudCity Onboarding.

The ProudCity Pagebuilder includes more than 30 drag and drop widgets, making it extremely easy for government website managers to create custom pages and continuously refine these until the user experience is optimized. These widgets include: Answers list: List of Answers in a category with a display style Auth0 Social Amplification: Shows Auth0 Social Amplification...


Why onboarding Collaborative building We work with you to launch your website. Empowered training We fully train you on the ProudCity platform. Upskilling We teach you digital government best practices. Long-term success We help you confidently manage your digital services into the future. What they say "Launching a new website seemed like a daunting task...

This is primarily a bugfix and contributed module update. There are a few feature updates as well. There is no WordPress Core update in this release. It is immediately available for all ProudCity Hosted sites and for download on Github under the GNU Affero GPL v3 open source license. What changes will I notice? This...

This release contains important bugfixes and third party plugin updates. There are no WordPress core updates in this release. It is immediately available for all ProudCity Hosted sites and for download on Github under the GNU Affero GPL v3 open source license. What changes will I notice? There was an issue where images uploaded to...

The ProudCity 1.62.0 Release includes three new plugins that we are excited to introduce to the Platform: Post/Page Expiration Post/Page Duplication Media Folder Management Post Expiration At the bottom of the right sidebar of the Create/Edit Content Page, you will see a "Post Expirator" block. Check the box select a date and time and choose...

This release contains the WordPress core 4.6.1 security update. It also contains many new features, bugfixes, and contributed plugin updates. It is immediately available for all ProudCity Hosted sites and for download on Github under the GNU Affero GPL v3 open source license. What changes will I notice? The WordPress core 4.6.1 release fixed two...

Training Orientation $600 * For: New ProudCity users Format: Two one-hour meetings over one week Includes: Intro to ProudCity Account and login Content type overview How to create and edit pages How to submit support tickets How to find help documentation Q&A * Includes up to 5 people per organization ProudCity 101 $2,500 * For:...

A guide to creating pages in your ProudCity powered government website.

This release contains a number of accessibility improvements and third party plugin updates. The WordPress core 5.8.1 security and maintenance update is included in this release. It is immediately available to all ProudCity Hosted sites and for download on Github under the GNU Affero GPL v3 open source license. What changes will I notice? See...

Network The ProudCity Network is made up of: Government Local governments (that ProudCity serves) ProudCity ProudCity (design/technology experts) Network effect All local government digital services in the ProudCity Network continuously improve by: Government partners giving product feedback to ProudCity ProudCity building that feedback into the ProudCity Platform Continuous improvement Based on this collaboration, we release...

​​A favicon — short for favorite icon — is an image associated with a website or web page.

ProudCity news, notes, reminders, shout outs. 💥 News 🗞️ New ProudCity dashboard Giving our community better access to digital resources and support. Add equations to web forms Extra security protection beyond just the CAPTCHA. Sitemaps 101 What they are, why they’re important, and how we support them. ProudCity and Global Accessibility Awareness Day How we...

A guide to creating contact information for staff members in your ProudCity powered government website.

Features Mobile-friendly Adapts to any device (smartphones, tablets, laptops/desktops, TVs, kiosks) Accessible Designed to meet ADA standards and requirements (ProudCity Accessibility) Search Predictive, multi-site search and meetings integration (ProudCity Search) Customize Manage website appearance, branding (drag and drop customization, modify colors/fonts, photos, graphics, page templates) Content management Add/edit/delete pages, posts, menus, images, videos, news/blogs, calendars,...

An introductory guide of the page builder editor in your ProudCity powered government website.


Icons Computer by Edward Boatman from the Noun Project Credit Card by Edward Boatman from the Noun Project Share by Matteo Dal Passo from the Noun Project Smartphone by Curve from the Noun Project Tent by W. X. Chee from the Noun Project Gavel by romzicon from the Noun Project Browser by from the...

ProudCity makes it easy to add favicons to websites.

Here's how to customize colors on your ProudCity-powered government website

This is a bugfix and contributed plugin update release. This release includes the WordPress core 4.7.1 security and maintenance release. It is immediately available for all ProudCity Hosted sites and for download on Github under the GNU Affero GPL v3 open source license. What changes will I notice? There should be very few changes that...

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