Category: Customize

Favicons and local government websites

Overview ​​A favicon — short for favorite icon — is an image associated with a website or web page. Favicons are also called: Shortcut icon Website icon Tab icon URL icon Bookmark icon Where favicons display: Browser tabs Search results Bookmarks Desktop icons Browser history Examples In browser tabs: In search results: Why favicons are … Continued

How to customize fonts

Customizing fonts on your ProudCity-powered government website is easy. Here’s how. Step 1 Select ‘Customize’ in the left navigation of the ProudCity Dashboard. Step 2 Select the ‘Fonts’ option in the customization tool. Step 3 Select your default and heading fonts and click the ‘Publish’ button. Visit your website to see the new fonts!

Color, web accessibility and government websites

Color is often an overlooked aspect of web accessibility, especially for brands and particularly governments, that have designed style guides and color palettes prior to accessibility becoming a priority. To understand how color and accessibility intersect, it’s first important to distinguish between “color dependence” and “contrast.” As 18F states in it’s accessibility guide: Color contrast … Continued

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