Category: Features

Social media and accessibility

Basic information on social media and accessibility. Tips Use plain language Don’t use all-caps Include descriptive text before links (example: “Read the help page for more info: [LINK]” Hashtags Use camel case for hashtags (example: #WebAccessibility) Images Avoid images of text Add alt text to all images Use static images instead of animated GIFs Make … Continued

An introduction to the page builder editor

Overview ProudCity Pagebuilder is an advanced editor that allows you to design and structure your content by adding widgets and elements to a page. We also have a layouts option that has pre-built pages. The pre-built layouts are organized based on the page destination or purpose and can be customized with the page widgets to … Continued

How to utilize the ‘Answers’ worksheet to facilitate creating questions and answers content for the ProudCity service center

Overview ProudCity Answers allows you to easily add searchable, topic-specific plain language information into your website. To help you get started, we created the ProudCity Answers Guide that categorizes government-specific topics and relevant questions you can use to create your own ‘Answers’ content. You may notice questions in multiple categories, and this is intentional. For … Continued

How to create frequently asked questions using the ‘Answers’ functionality

Example In our ProudCity demo site, we created an Administration frequently asked questions page, where the questions are displayed in accordion and list view. Video  Steps Create FAQ topics By creating FAQ topics we are able to distribute where the answers will display throughout the site. If you have already created a FAQ topic … Continued

How to create contacts

Overview A contact has staff member name, position, label, and form of communication either email or/and phone. Optional fields available include Facebook URL, twitter username, staff member bio, and photo. We use labels to distribute where the contacts display throughout the site. Example In our ProudCity demo site, we demonstrate how the staff contact directory … Continued

How to a create events

Overview An event post will have a title, category label, featured image, location, and content. Content for events may include paragraphs, images, links, etc. Example In our ProudCity demo site, we created an example event post for your viewing. After creating an event post and attributing it to an event category,  the event post(s) will … Continued

Create link redirects

If you are migrating from an existing website, you should ensure that visitors trying to access pages on your old website are properly redirected.

How to create a page

Overview A page consists of a searchable title and content. Content may include:  paragraphs, images, links, videos, etc. Example In our ProudCity demo site, we created a Parks facilities & locations example page. The example page is part of the Parks and Recreation department, to learn how to first create a department template please read … Continued

How to create a department

Overview A department is a content template that structures departments, agencies and divisions into a consistent but flexible section of your site. The template includes a title, content area, contact information, hours, social media link, department sub menu (optional) and icon. Once a department template is created, you can add other types of content such … Continued

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